How to report a fake seller on amazon with success
So How to report a fake seller on amazon we make it and here these list of awesome for your tips and informational purpose regarding the How to report a fake seller on amazon as part of How To Do exclusive updates collection. So, take your time and get the best How to report a fake seller on amazon pics and pictures posted here that suitable with your needs and use it for your own collection and personal use.Select report listing abuse and provide the asin (s) that you are reporting along with all relevant information, so we can conduct an investigation. You can report multiple customer reviews.
This form is intended for use by rights owners and their agents to notify amazon of alleged infringements such as copyright and trademark concerns. Please include a short, concise explanation for why you believe the customer reviews are in violation of our policies and a link(s) to the product(s) in question. Go to report a violation.;
Have a friend (not a relative) purchase the product in question.
If you are not an intellectual property rights owner or their agent, amazon will not be able to process complaints submitted through this form. I am pretty sure amazon are on top of these things, we changed our business address and amazon found out within 3 hours and requested we update our amazon account. To facilitate an investigation, make sure that you include the following information in your complaint, as applicable: Have your friend complain to the seller that the item is fake through amazon where you “report a problem”.